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metadata.dc.type: Trabalho apresentado em evento
Title: Measurements of Extremely Low Frequency Waves (1-12 Hz) Produced by Ionospheric High-Frequency Waves
Authors: Martin, Inacio Malmonge
Araujo, Mauro Alves de
Abreu, Alessandro José de
Gomes, Marcelo Pêgo
Folgueras, Luiza de Castro
Abstract: In a recent study, a process for the generation of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves in the range of 1-12 Hz produced by diamagnetic currents generated by heat in ionosphere by high frequency (HF) waves has been proposed. HF waves that reach the ionosphere can be generated, for example, on the Earth's surface by the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) instruments or solar processes. Using a EMF low frequency spectrum analyzer with high sensitivity (1 mu V) operating in the range of 1-12 Hz and using a low sampling time (5 ms), it was possible to measure HF waves. A series of measurements were carried out in Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, from September, 2016 to March, 2017, under dry conditions and with the analyzer isolated from electrical discharges to detect and record these waves. The positive results of the experimental observations suggest a possible confirmation of the occurrence of diamagnetic currents in ionosphere.
metadata.dc.language: Inglês Estados Unidos
Publisher: Ieee
metadata.dc.rights: Em verificação
Issue Date: 2017
Appears in Collections:Trabalhos Apresentados em Eventos
Artigos de Periódicos

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