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metadata.dc.type: Trabalho apresentado em evento
Title: Evaluation of organizational culture and manifestation of burnout in mental health professionals in the Paraiba Valley [Avaliação da cultura organizacional e a manifestaç ão de burnout em profissionais de saúde mental do vale do paraíba]
Authors: Inocente, Nancy Julieta
Vicentini J.
Abstract: The general aim of this research is to identify the effects of the Organizational Culture with the manifestation of Burnout's Syndrome in mental health graduated professionals, who works in public and private institutions in Vale do Paraiba and North Coast of São Paulo. The sample will be comprised of 142 professionals, submitted to the questionnaires of Identification Questionnaire of the Sample, Organizational Culture and Maslach Burnout Inventory. The results of the questionnaires presented a predominance of Cultural Group (50) and levels of Emotional Exhaustion (20,99), Depersonalization (7,77) and Personal Accomplishment (33,11) in the average if compared to the national and international studies. Culture Organizational was related with Burnout identifying that the people with high levels of Burnout are those who works in organizations where the Culture Hierarchic is dominant (40%). Copyright © (2010) by Associação Brasileira de Metalurgia Materiais e Mineração (ABM).
metadata.dc.language: Português Brasil
metadata.dc.rights: Acesso Restrito
Issue Date: 2010
Appears in Collections:Trabalhos Apresentados em Eventos
Artigos de Periódicos

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