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metadata.dc.type: Artigo de Periódico
Title: Learner community: the school as a locus of teacher training and development
Authors: Vellenich, Ana Maria
Ferreira, Adriano Marcius
Vieira Marcondes, Nilsen Aparecida
Castro, Maria Aparecida Campos Diniz de
Abstract: There are peaceful opinions regarding the important role that education and training in school have a nation. However, in Brazil, for many years, school education has been facing different problems directly affects its quality. In this direction, this critical review of the literature proposes a reflection on the educational institution as a system of relations, with obvious interactive features. The concepts and ideas of some authors studied this theoretical evidence the possibility of teacher training through shares present at the school. We conclude that reflective practice and strategies for action, if carried out properly, turn the school into a learning community, which may contribute to the professional development and autonomy of the agents involved, as well as possible changes at the institutional level.
metadata.dc.language: Português Brasil
Publisher: Centro Univ Nove Julho
metadata.dc.rights: Em verificação
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.5585/EccoS.N42.3942
Issue Date: 2017
Appears in Collections:Artigos de Periódicos

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