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metadata.dc.type: Artigo de Periódico
Title: Limits and Possibilities of workshops with families in CRAS
Authors: Rosa, Ana Paula Galvao
Souza, Marilza Terezinha Soares de
Abstract: This article aims to reflect on how the beliefs, attitudes and values can influence the acquisition expected to be earned by families and or its members in workshops with groups in PAIF, such as autonomy, self-assertiveness and social empowerment. Istarting of that perspective it was decided to conduct a literature review on the researchs that have been published on that subject. An amount of 34 publications were selected among the years 2009 to 2015, about PAIF issues. Those publications were classified in research groups with the same objective. The survey allowed to analize which issues have been addressed in most published studies with families in the CRAS. Beliefs, values and attitudes identified in families accompanied by PAIF may mean limitations do not restrict only the methodology being developed, but also denote the reproduction and maintenance a logical fatalistic present in families who undertakes to promote strengthening of ties and effective transformation, in order to enhance self-assertiveness and autonomy these families. The aforementioned not only restrict the limitations the methodology to be developed, but also denote the replication and maintenance of the fatalistic logic observed in the families which weakens the occurrence of bond-related strengthening process and effective change in such a way that assertiveness and autonomy become potentially tangible for these families. Although the goal is to find data of the results that have been achieved through workshops with families, was found that those issues are underdeveloped.
metadata.dc.language: Português Brasil
Publisher: Univ Taubate
metadata.dc.rights: Acesso Aberto
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.32813/2179-1120.2016.v9.n2.a325
Issue Date: 2016
Appears in Collections:Artigos de Periódicos

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