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metadata.dc.type: Dissertação
Title: Formação continuada em Língua Portuguesa : contribuição para o desenvolvimento da competência leitora de alunos da Educação Básica.
Authors: Silva, Juliana Aparecida Melo Almeida da
Abstract: Resumo : O tema desta pesquisa é o trabalho do professor em sala de aula, para a formação de leitores proficientes na Educação Básica. Delimita-se a um grupo de professores de 4º e 5º anos e professores de Língua Portuguesa de 6º aos 9º anos da Rede Municipal de Educação de Campos do Jordão e ao acompanhamento do trabalho desses professores no desenvolvimento de habilidades de leitura de seus alunos. Como professora coordenadora formadora da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Campos do Jordão, esta pesquisadora pôde observar que as avaliações externas como Prova Brasil e Saresp têm revelado baixa proficiência em leitura dos alunos do Ensino Fundamental II e ainda se verifica a necessidade de um trabalho mais efetivo voltado ao desenvolvimento de habilidades de leitura de gêneros discursivos variados, que leve os alunos a se tornarem leitores competentes, que leiam e entendam o que está registrado nas diferentes situações de comunicação e nas diferentes tarefas de interlocutor que, como cidadãos, lhes são exigidas. O objetivo geral desse estudo foi contribuir para o desenvolvimento de habilidades de leitura nos alunos da Educação Básica da Rede Municipal de Educação de Campos do Jordão. Os pressupostos teóricos em que a pesquisa se baseia foram os estudos bakhtinianos sobre a linguagem e gêneros discursivos, a concepção sociocognitiva de leitura, o conceito de sequência didática proposto por Schneuwly e Dolz (2004). Metodologicamente, esta pesquisa-ação foi desenvolvida no período de junho a outubro de 2015 e o material utilizado nessas atividades - coletâneas de textos, sequências didáticas de leitura para cada gênero discursivo e atividades diversas - é o elaborado pelo Projeto Observatório da Educação/UNITAU. Os resultados evidenciaram que o trabalho de formação continuada com os professores contribuiu efetivamente para o aprimoramento da prática pedagógica no desenvolvimento de atividades de leitura diferenciadas e significativas. Os relatórios das atividades desenvolvidas em sala de aula registraram melhores resultados de leitura dos alunos, que demostraram interesse e apreço pelas atividades realizadas. Conclui-se que esta pesquisa-ação deu sua contribuição para a prática pedagógica em aspectos essenciais da formação continuada de professores e do ensino significativo de língua materna.This paper treats about a search realized with pupils of Linguistics course (Portuguese-English / Portuguese-Spanish) of a College from São Paulo State, Brazil. The objective was to investigate the reason that made the pupils to choose by that course and to investigate what are the representations about teaching working that underlie the reason responsible for their choice. We believe that knowing the profile of these new students is important to promote the necessary adjustments to the teaching and learning within the Linguistics course. We assumed that cognition and emotion are inseparable in human nature. Our main theoretical basis is the Historical-cultural theory of Vigotski on the relations of thought and language and meaning and meaning of words. Also underpinned the Theory of Representations of Moscovici, in relation to representative structures of language and teaching. To accomplish our research, we ask research subjects to answer a questionnaire containing four questions. The methodology relied on the Content Analysis of Bardin, classifying the data into categories thematic, in order to analyze the responses provided by these students. The results showed what are the social representations about the figure of the teacher that influenced their choice of teaching career, and what are the social causes that led to the choice of Linguistics course. We conclude that, in general, students are motivated by a desire to teach or to acquire mastery of the Standard Portuguese and understanding of literary works. This indicates that the task of teaching is seen by these students as a useful and humanitarian work, hence we concluded there is intrinsic emotional causes that motivated their choice, and not only causes economic or pragmatic interest.
Abstract: The theme of this research is the teacher s work in the classroom, for the training of proficient readers in Basic Education. A group of 4th and 5th grade teachers and a group of 6th to 9th grade Portuguese language teachers in Campos do Jordão Municipal Education Network is assigned to supervise the work of these teachers in the development of reading skills of their students. As a coordinating teacher of Campos do Jordão Municipal Educational Department, this researcher was able to observe that the external evaluations like Prova Brasil and Saresp have revealed low proficiency in reading of Elementary School students and there is still a necessity of more effective work aimed at the development of reading skills of varied discursive genres, that leads the students to become competent readers, who read and understand what is registered in the different situations of communication and in the different tasks of interlocutor who, as citizens, are required. The general purpose of this study was to contribute to the development of reading skills in the Basic Education students from Campos do Jordão Municipal Education Network. The theoretical presuppositions on which the research is based on were the Bakhtinian studies on language and discursive genres, the social cognitive conception of reading, the concept of didactics sequence proposed by Schneuwly and Dolz (2004). Methodologically, this action research was developed from June to October 2015 and the material used in these activities - compilations of texts, didactics reading sequences for each discursive genre and diverse activities - is the one elaborated by the Observatory of Education / UNITAU Project. The results evidenced that the work of continual training with the teachers contributed effectively to the improvement of the pedagogical practice in the development of distinguished and significant reading activities. The reports of the activities developed in the classroom registered better reading results to the students, who showed interest and appreciation in the carried out activities. It is concluded that this action research contributed to the pedagogical practice in essential aspects to teacher s continued training and significant teaching of native tongue.
Keywords: Gêneros discursivos
Sequência didática
Habilidades de leitura
Formação continuada de professores
metadata.dc.language: Português Brasil
Publisher: Universidade de Taubaté
metadata.dc.publisher.initials: UNITAU
metadata.dc.rights: Acesso Aberto
Issue Date: 2016
Appears in Collections:Dissertações - Linguística Aplicada - PPGLA/MLA

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